New Partner, to strengthen our labor law expertise.

We are expanding and strengthening our partnership and expertise in the specialized field of employ-ment law and pension funds with the joining of Gian Geel. Welcome Gian!


We turn your ideas into contracts um – precise and legally secure.

Con­tract and Com­mer­cial Law

We advise and support you in the drafting, negotiation and enforcement of all types of contracts and in the preparation, structuring and execution of a wide variety of transactions in all areas of commercial law (national and international).

Our specialists.

Johannes Balmer Partner   Vcard
Thomas Brack LL.M. / Partner   Vcard
Benjamin Dürig Counsel   Vcard
Thomas Esslinger LL.M. / Partner   Vcard
Thomas Hälg Partner   Vcard
Claudia Holck Attorney   Vcard
Roberto Nüesch Partner   Vcard
Carla Nüesch Attorney   Vcard
Amina Ouakrim Attorney   Vcard